Personal Mission Statement

     My main goals in life are to go to college, to graduate with good grades,to  find out what type of profession I would truly enjoy, and to pursue a career in whatever interests me while earning a good salary. To begin, a person that I truly look up to would be my mother because she is always there for me whenever I need something and there is nobody else that is more caring than her. I strive to be as selfless and caring as my mother is because not everyone is like that in today’s world. I would like to live in a world where we (people) are more understanding/ caring of each other rather than being resentful.

     Therefore, if anyone were to ask me something that went against my beliefs in some way I would most likely try to understand their side of the story and if I do not agree with him/ her I would probably respect their point, but still disagree with their ideas. Personally, I treat people respectfully and I would expect to be treated the same way because those are the values I grew up with. However, if anyone was to treat me poorly I would probably confront them to see why they feel that way towards me, if it had something do with something I did to them in the past I would apologize and hope he/ she understands.

       Also, to me, justice is a way for someone to get back at someone who has done something wrong to them. To add, to me, truth is clear cut facts. Moreover, to me, love is a deep feeling of affection towards someone or something. In addition, I hope to accomplish at least most of my goals in life so I can live a successful life.Therefore, I want to be remembered as someone who does not give up until I accomplish my goal (whatever it may be), even if it isn’t easy and that is one reason why I did well in school and soccer. Furthermore, my role in life right now as a student is very important because it is all leading up to my main goals which involve graduating college with good grades, having a successful lifetime career that I enjoy doing. Overall, If I keep working hard throughout college as well as life I believe that I should definitely be able to achieve and maintain these goals throughout my life.

man wearing blue suit jacket beside woman with gray suit jacket
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